Jill has many years of experience in digital communications, content marketing and web development. Her main desire is to use those skills for the cause of Christ. And so was born LUTHERWOMAN.

Jill is the wife of a 4th year, second career, seminary student. She is the mother of 2 teenagers. She enjoys creative projects, solving problems, organization, cooking, and photography. She currently lives in St. Louis, but calls home Indianapolis, Indiana, and Bethel, Missouri.

View Jill’s blog at jilllevenhagen.com

Abby is a masters student at Concordia Seminary, studying spiritual care to become a deaconess. Since she was a kid, Abby has loved reading and writing and she is thrilled to have the opportunity to use those interests to do ministry!

Abby is married to Aaron, a band teacher, and they are expecting their first baby. Abby enjoys cooking and baking, taking care of her puppy and pet hedgehog, talking about theology, drinking coffee with friends, going on walks with Aaron, and exploring St. Louis.

View Abby’s blog at Peace of Abby’s Mind

Denae Stevens is a homemaker with five children, and is still trying to figure out the roles that God is calling her to outside of motherhood. In addition to her love for reading and writing, she is also passionate about art and paints in her free time.

She loves people, and can be known to overshare in the hope that others will be vulnerable and do the same.

Denae lives in England with her husband and six children.

Emily has been blogging since 2018. She joined the LUTHERWOMAN network and moved into her own .com at Proverbially Emily. She has a love for words but was always told she’d never be a writer. Speaking in absolutes is something she works hard to avoid, so she ignores it when others also speak to her in this way.

Emily is a Pastor’s wife and they are headed to the mission field in Belize. She has four children, 4-11 years old and she homeschools. When Emily isn’t teaching she loves hiking, coffee, yoga, music and dance, although her 8-year-old thinks she is too old to dance, she shows them otherwise.

Saint Louis has been home for Emily and her family the past 4 years, but her family is leaving in 2025 to serve on the mission field in Belize. Home to Emily is wherever the Lord takes her.

Hannah is the wife of a fourth year seminary student and lives in St. Louis. She is a trained Lutheran teacher who now works as a teaching assistant so she can spend time at home with her toddler son. Hannah enjoys reading, playing piano, and trying out new recipes.

Born and raised in Iowa, Hannah loves the Midwest and has enjoyed exploring St. Louis while her husband completes his seminary training. She eagerly anticipates finding out where the Lord will call her family to serve.

Joanna is a wife to a seminarian, and mother to 4 kiddos, ranging in age from 4 to 16. She currently teaches English and Spanish at a Lutheran high school in Saint Louis, where she enjoys torturing teenagers by making them write essays and learn verb conjugations.

She grew up primarily in Latin America (Mexico and Venezuela), as her parents were missionaries. She has also lived in Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Georgia, and now resides in St. Louis while her husband completes his studies to become a pastor.

Rachel is a life-long Lutheran whose desire to serve the Lord and His people led her to a career in full-time ministry. Rachel holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in church music and theology, and has been leading the church in song since 2012. She is also an active leader in her church’s women’s ministry, coordinates a yearly women’s retreat, and has been a speaker for Concordia University Wisconsin’s women’s mentoring groups as well as the Women’s Leadership Institute’s national women’s conference in 2017.

Rachel resides in West Bend, Wisconsin, and enjoys life in the Midwest. She loves walking to the local farmer’s market, coffee and deep conversations with friends, writing music and poems and devotions, and spending time working on house projects (mostly painting and yard work).

Laura is passionate about helping others. This has manifested itself in her vocations as a Lutheran teacher, homeschool mom, historical researcher, and now in her own business as a professional organizer at Simple Steps Organizing.

She is a child of God, wife of Rick, mother of two daughters, and grandma of four. She enjoys her business, race-walking, reading biographies, a deep Bible study, singing, and playing her mandolin (albeit badly).

Allie is the Director of Youth and Family Ministry at Peace Church in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. She fell in love with writing when asked to write the family Christmas letter in elementary school, and has only fallen deeper in love through the years.

Allie is currently engaged to her fiancé Adam, and is planning a December wedding. She spends her free time reading, walking her dog, and spending time with her friends and an absurd amount of toddlers.

Jaimie has had a love of words and writing since childhood. In college, she developed her writing skills and her spiritual growth with a double major in English and theology. She has since written her own blog and contributed to others, as well as working as a virtual assistant for multiple online entrepreneurs.

She enjoys cooking, movies, reading, walks, date nights, and napping.

Jaimie and her husband have been married since 2011 and have four children and they reside in a village in rural East-central Nebraska.

Allison Breininger has been a caregiver for her husband since 2011, through a bone marrow transplant and seven cancer diagnoses. Experiencing firsthand the ways that caregivers are unseen and unsupported, she founded the nonprofit The Negative Space, through which she shines light on the realities of caregiving, provides direct services to caregivers and educates and equips those who support them with concrete tools and strategies.

She co-hosts the In Sickness podcast, provides individual coaching to caregivers nationwide, facilitates support groups and education sessions, partners with multiple organizations to more intentionally support caregivers, and sells caregiver gift boxes. She lives in the Twin Cities with her husband and teenage daughter.

Erin is a missionary and deaconess with Lutheran Bible Translations. She is also a licensed social worker. One of her favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:38-39.

Erin is married to Tim, a missionary and pastor with Lutheran Bible Translators. They are hoping to move overseas in 2024 to serve alongside the Subula people of Cameroon. Currently, they live in Concordia, Missouri with their dog Fig. She enjoys art, music, history, video games, and experiencing God’s creation.

Kelli Livingston

Kelli is an accountant, wife, and mom residing in St. Louis, MO. Just a year ago, after a decade, she bid farewell to her role at a public accounting firm, trading her calculator for a leap of faith. She launched her own accounting services business.

An extrovert with a passion for numbers and organization, Kelli’s creative side shines in areas beyond finances and accounting. From her love for food to hand lettering, gardening, and satirical comedy, she’s a unique blend of analytical prowess and creative spirit.

Heather is the wife of a newly ordained, second-career, LCMS pastor, and mom of three. Her family recently moved to north-central Oklahoma. She spends her days caring for her youngest and homeschooling her two older children. She studied music in college and later started a web and graphic design business which she has since put on hold to concentrate on her other vocations.

She has had a lifelong struggle with anxiety, depression, and OCD and has found that healing is a lifelong process of changing thought patterns and learning to trust God in uncertainty and in every situation. She enjoys painting and drawing, reading, and watching anime with her husband in her free time.

I’m Faith and I am a wife and mama to two toddlers. I teach first grade at Concordia Academy in Omaha, Nebraska and I am working on my Masters of Education in Trauma and Resilience.

When I am not teaching or speaking, I love to be outside, sip on my coffee, and read a great book.

View Faith’s blog at imperfectlyperfectliving.com

Angela Post lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst currently working in higher education. When she isn’t working, she enjoys taking Lilly, her dog, to the dog park, working out, and spending time with friends.

Christena is a wife, mom, and friend. She is a coffee lover, author, part-time Communications Assistant, homeschooling, adoptive, special needs mama of four. The older two (a boy and a girl) are now successfully adulting, while the younger two are keep her so very busy in the day-to-day.

She is the wife of a Lutheran pastor and lives in a rural community (thankfully, close enough to a town with all the modern conveniences and just an hour from Chicago), enjoying the peace and quiet of her porch every chance she gets!

View Christena’s blog at Christena Writes.


Dorothy graduated from Concordia University Chicago with a Major in Theology and a Minor in Psychology with Deaconess certification. She was commissioned as a Deaconess within the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in 2015. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis with the long term goal of getting her PhD.

Dorothy is mother to 3 rambunctious children, wife of a pastor, and passionate about creating resources that cater to the spiritual, emotional, and mental welfare of people. She is the owner of Doron Theo Books LLC, established to create practical and applicable resources such as devotionals, journals, and more.

Melody is a social media and email specialist at Concordia University Irvine and a former copywriting intern at Concordia Publishing House. As an alum of Concordia University Chicago, she holds an English major as well as minors in communications, creative writing, and theology. Her published poetry can be found in various journals, including her alma mater’s Motif. She and her husband are torn between mountains and beaches as new Californians, but they always have a good book in tow either way.

Jamie has been creating things since she was a young girl. She has dabbled in just about every art form and loves them all but especially painting and hand lettering. Her goal is to get more scripture on more walls.

Jamie has been married to her husband who is a Pastor for almost 22 years. They have six children ranging in age from 17 down to 3. She teaches K-8 art at the Lutheran school her kids attend. Jamie runs her own creative business (Purejoycreative.com) and in her spare time loves to read, play games with her family and hang out with her friends.

Kelsey is a baptized child of God, happy wife, mom to 3 boys, and part-time church worker. She lives in Elgin, IL with her family, and attends Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Kelsey is passionate about helping others to see their vocations as good gifts from the Lord, and as opportunities to serve Him in the context of their everyday lives.

Maris has always loved reading, writing, and thinking about the things that really matter. She has spent most of her professional life as a vocal coach and pianist, but she has recently chosen to focus on caring for her growing family. She is enjoying a slower-paced lifestyle to explore her talents outside of music and listen for the Lord’s will for her life.

Maris and her family live in Lexington, Kentucky. After living in four different states over the last few years, she is happy to call the Bluegrass home. She and her husband are expecting their second child – a sister for their daughter Claire – this summer.

Katie is passionate about encouraging moms in their walk with Jesus. She has been leading a Mom’s Bible Study for several years. Her goal is to create a community where moms find support, connections with other moms, and grow in their faith.

Katie is the wife of a pastor in Minnesota. They met in college and have been in ministry together for over ten years. She is the mom of four children ranging from preschool to upper elementary school. She enjoys being outside with her children, meeting up with other families, and creating photo books of her family when she can carve out the time.

Colleen has many years of experience in early childhood education and family ministry. Her joy comes from sharing Jesus’ love to young children and their families. She teaches Bible study, Vacation Bible School and plans shared women’s events with congregations in their District circuit.

Colleen is a pastor’s wife, a mother and a grandmother of 7,and a family life educator. She enjoys reading, painting, and crafting in her spare time. She lives in Imperial, Missouri which is just south of St. Louis, she grew up in the suburbs outside of Chicago, Illinois but spent a few years in Grafton, Wisconsin before her husband attended Seminary in St. Louis.

Allison is an aspiring novelist and teaches English at community colleges in the St. Louis area. She received her Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing in 2024, emphasis in fiction. She has written devotions for LWML and published various creative works. You can read her work at allisonmaschhoff.com.

Allison is thrilled to be using her writing skills to support women in the Church through LUTHERWOMAN. In addition to writing, she enjoys reading, listening to music, crocheting and watching sitcoms.

Lori Salsgiver is a homemaker with 2 teenagers and 2 fur babies who is an aspiring writer of experiences that have shaped her life of faith and family. She enjoys exploring the relationship between the Word and life’s daily struggles.

Lori is married to her best friend Jason, an IT Professional for a large steel mill in Western PA. She grew up in Colorado, but has been a resident of PA for 18 years. She enjoys hiking, cooking/baking, crafts, learning new skills, studying the word and Christmas.

Heather has an extensive background in leadership development, business strategy, and community engagement. She is confident that God has uniquely created each of us to do incredible things and desires to see that fruit in as many people as possible.

Heather has been married for more than 13 years to German, a bold entrepreneur who lives his faith out loud. She is mother to three wonderful children. She enjoys restoring furniture, hiking, baking, and morning devotions with her family. She currently lives in Milwaukee.

View Heather’s website at One Wild Life

Jennifer Taylor Schmidt was a classroom teacher for ten years. She’s also worked as an adjunct professor for a Lutheran university. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in Writing for Children. Jen enjoys writing fiction for middle grade readers. She also regularly writes for her own website, Real Food Real Healing. There, she writes to nourish the body, mind, and soul, while sharing her personal health story. Jen also shares her personal recipes. She has seen the nourishing, healing power of real food and wants other people to experience that as well.

Jen is married to a Lutheran pastor. They have one son. Aside from writing, Jen enjoys reading, gardening, cooking, and walking trails. She lives with her family in Bentonville, Arkansas.

Katrina has experience in worship leading, social media management and creative arts. She loves using art, especially music, to bring others closer to Christ and build relationships with one another.

Katrina is the wife of a 2nd year seminary student and currently serves as a director of worship arts in St. Louis. Outside of music, she also enjoys painting, baking and poetry.

Jill has many years of experience in digital communications, content marketing and web development. Her main desire is to use those skills for the cause of Christ. And so was born LUTHERWOMAN.

Jill is the wife of a 4th year, second career, seminary student. She is the mother of 2 teenagers. She enjoys creative projects, solving problems, organization, cooking, and photography. She currently lives in St. Louis, but calls home Indianapolis, Indiana, and Bethel, Missouri.

View Jill’s blog at jilllevenhagen.com

Abby is a masters student at Concordia Seminary, studying spiritual care to become a deaconess. Since she was a kid, Abby has loved reading and writing and she is thrilled to have the opportunity to use those interests to do ministry!

Abby is married to Aaron, a band teacher, and they are expecting their first baby. Abby enjoys cooking and baking, taking care of her puppy and pet hedgehog, talking about theology, drinking coffee with friends, going on walks with Aaron, and exploring St. Louis.

View Abby’s blog at Peace of Abby’s Mind

Denae Stevens is a homemaker with five children, and is still trying to figure out the roles that God is calling her to outside of motherhood. In addition to her love for reading and writing, she is also passionate about art and paints in her free time.

She loves people, and can be known to overshare in the hope that others will be vulnerable and do the same.

Denae lives in England with her husband and six children.

Emily has been blogging since 2018. She joined the LUTHERWOMAN network and moved into her own .com at Proverbially Emily. She has a love for words but was always told she’d never be a writer. Speaking in absolutes is something she works hard to avoid, so she ignores it when others also speak to her in this way.

Emily is a Pastor’s wife and they are headed to the mission field in Belize. She has four children, 4-11 years old and she homeschools. When Emily isn’t teaching she loves hiking, coffee, yoga, music and dance, although her 8-year-old thinks she is too old to dance, she shows them otherwise.

Saint Louis has been home for Emily and her family the past 4 years, but her family is leaving in 2025 to serve on the mission field in Belize. Home to Emily is wherever the Lord takes her.

Hannah is the wife of a fourth year seminary student and lives in St. Louis. She is a trained Lutheran teacher who now works as a teaching assistant so she can spend time at home with her toddler son. Hannah enjoys reading, playing piano, and trying out new recipes.

Born and raised in Iowa, Hannah loves the Midwest and has enjoyed exploring St. Louis while her husband completes his seminary training. She eagerly anticipates finding out where the Lord will call her family to serve.

Joanna is a wife to a seminarian, and mother to 4 kiddos, ranging in age from 4 to 16. She currently teaches English and Spanish at a Lutheran high school in Saint Louis, where she enjoys torturing teenagers by making them write essays and learn verb conjugations.

She grew up primarily in Latin America (Mexico and Venezuela), as her parents were missionaries. She has also lived in Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Georgia, and now resides in St. Louis while her husband completes his studies to become a pastor.

Rachel is a life-long Lutheran whose desire to serve the Lord and His people led her to a career in full-time ministry. Rachel holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in church music and theology, and has been leading the church in song since 2012. She is also an active leader in her church’s women’s ministry, coordinates a yearly women’s retreat, and has been a speaker for Concordia University Wisconsin’s women’s mentoring groups as well as the Women’s Leadership Institute’s national women’s conference in 2017.

Rachel resides in West Bend, Wisconsin, and enjoys life in the Midwest. She loves walking to the local farmer’s market, coffee and deep conversations with friends, writing music and poems and devotions, and spending time working on house projects (mostly painting and yard work).

Laura is passionate about helping others. This has manifested itself in her vocations as a Lutheran teacher, homeschool mom, historical researcher, and now in her own business as a professional organizer at Simple Steps Organizing.

She is a child of God, wife of Rick, mother of two daughters, and grandma of four. She enjoys her business, race-walking, reading biographies, a deep Bible study, singing, and playing her mandolin (albeit badly).

Allie is the Director of Youth and Family Ministry at Peace Church in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. She fell in love with writing when asked to write the family Christmas letter in elementary school, and has only fallen deeper in love through the years.

Allie is currently engaged to her fiancé Adam, and is planning a December wedding. She spends her free time reading, walking her dog, and spending time with her friends and an absurd amount of toddlers.

Jaimie has had a love of words and writing since childhood. In college, she developed her writing skills and her spiritual growth with a double major in English and theology. She has since written her own blog and contributed to others, as well as working as a virtual assistant for multiple online entrepreneurs.

She enjoys cooking, movies, reading, walks, date nights, and napping.

Jaimie and her husband have been married since 2011 and have four children and they reside in a village in rural East-central Nebraska.

Allison Breininger has been a caregiver for her husband since 2011, through a bone marrow transplant and seven cancer diagnoses. Experiencing firsthand the ways that caregivers are unseen and unsupported, she founded the nonprofit The Negative Space, through which she shines light on the realities of caregiving, provides direct services to caregivers and educates and equips those who support them with concrete tools and strategies.

She co-hosts the In Sickness podcast, provides individual coaching to caregivers nationwide, facilitates support groups and education sessions, partners with multiple organizations to more intentionally support caregivers, and sells caregiver gift boxes. She lives in the Twin Cities with her husband and teenage daughter.

Erin is a missionary and deaconess with Lutheran Bible Translations. She is also a licensed social worker. One of her favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:38-39.

Erin is married to Tim, a missionary and pastor with Lutheran Bible Translators. They are hoping to move overseas in 2024 to serve alongside the Subula people of Cameroon. Currently, they live in Concordia, Missouri with their dog Fig. She enjoys art, music, history, video games, and experiencing God’s creation.

Kelli Livingston

Kelli is an accountant, wife, and mom residing in St. Louis, MO. Just a year ago, after a decade, she bid farewell to her role at a public accounting firm, trading her calculator for a leap of faith. She launched her own accounting services business.

An extrovert with a passion for numbers and organization, Kelli’s creative side shines in areas beyond finances and accounting. From her love for food to hand lettering, gardening, and satirical comedy, she’s a unique blend of analytical prowess and creative spirit.

Heather is the wife of a newly ordained, second-career, LCMS pastor, and mom of three. Her family recently moved to north-central Oklahoma. She spends her days caring for her youngest and homeschooling her two older children. She studied music in college and later started a web and graphic design business which she has since put on hold to concentrate on her other vocations.

She has had a lifelong struggle with anxiety, depression, and OCD and has found that healing is a lifelong process of changing thought patterns and learning to trust God in uncertainty and in every situation. She enjoys painting and drawing, reading, and watching anime with her husband in her free time.

I’m Faith and I am a wife and mama to two toddlers. I teach first grade at Concordia Academy in Omaha, Nebraska and I am working on my Masters of Education in Trauma and Resilience.

When I am not teaching or speaking, I love to be outside, sip on my coffee, and read a great book.

View Faith’s blog at imperfectlyperfectliving.com

Angela Post lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst currently working in higher education. When she isn’t working, she enjoys taking Lilly, her dog, to the dog park, working out, and spending time with friends.

Christena is a wife, mom, and friend. She is a coffee lover, author, part-time Communications Assistant, homeschooling, adoptive, special needs mama of four. The older two (a boy and a girl) are now successfully adulting, while the younger two are keep her so very busy in the day-to-day.

She is the wife of a Lutheran pastor and lives in a rural community (thankfully, close enough to a town with all the modern conveniences and just an hour from Chicago), enjoying the peace and quiet of her porch every chance she gets!

View Christena’s blog at Christena Writes.


Dorothy graduated from Concordia University Chicago with a Major in Theology and a Minor in Psychology with Deaconess certification. She was commissioned as a Deaconess within the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in 2015. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis with the long term goal of getting her PhD.

Dorothy is mother to 3 rambunctious children, wife of a pastor, and passionate about creating resources that cater to the spiritual, emotional, and mental welfare of people. She is the owner of Doron Theo Books LLC, established to create practical and applicable resources such as devotionals, journals, and more.

Melody is a social media and email specialist at Concordia University Irvine and a former copywriting intern at Concordia Publishing House. As an alum of Concordia University Chicago, she holds an English major as well as minors in communications, creative writing, and theology. Her published poetry can be found in various journals, including her alma mater’s Motif. She and her husband are torn between mountains and beaches as new Californians, but they always have a good book in tow either way.

Jamie has been creating things since she was a young girl. She has dabbled in just about every art form and loves them all but especially painting and hand lettering. Her goal is to get more scripture on more walls.

Jamie has been married to her husband who is a Pastor for almost 22 years. They have six children ranging in age from 17 down to 3. She teaches K-8 art at the Lutheran school her kids attend. Jamie runs her own creative business (Purejoycreative.com) and in her spare time loves to read, play games with her family and hang out with her friends.

Kelsey is a baptized child of God, happy wife, mom to 3 boys, and part-time church worker. She lives in Elgin, IL with her family, and attends Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Kelsey is passionate about helping others to see their vocations as good gifts from the Lord, and as opportunities to serve Him in the context of their everyday lives.

Maris has always loved reading, writing, and thinking about the things that really matter. She has spent most of her professional life as a vocal coach and pianist, but she has recently chosen to focus on caring for her growing family. She is enjoying a slower-paced lifestyle to explore her talents outside of music and listen for the Lord’s will for her life.

Maris and her family live in Lexington, Kentucky. After living in four different states over the last few years, she is happy to call the Bluegrass home. She and her husband are expecting their second child – a sister for their daughter Claire – this summer.

Katie is passionate about encouraging moms in their walk with Jesus. She has been leading a Mom’s Bible Study for several years. Her goal is to create a community where moms find support, connections with other moms, and grow in their faith.

Katie is the wife of a pastor in Minnesota. They met in college and have been in ministry together for over ten years. She is the mom of four children ranging from preschool to upper elementary school. She enjoys being outside with her children, meeting up with other families, and creating photo books of her family when she can carve out the time.

Colleen has many years of experience in early childhood education and family ministry. Her joy comes from sharing Jesus’ love to young children and their families. She teaches Bible study, Vacation Bible School and plans shared women’s events with congregations in their District circuit.

Colleen is a pastor’s wife, a mother and a grandmother of 7,and a family life educator. She enjoys reading, painting, and crafting in her spare time. She lives in Imperial, Missouri which is just south of St. Louis, she grew up in the suburbs outside of Chicago, Illinois but spent a few years in Grafton, Wisconsin before her husband attended Seminary in St. Louis.

Allison is an aspiring novelist and teaches English at community colleges in the St. Louis area. She received her Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing in 2024, emphasis in fiction. She has written devotions for LWML and published various creative works. You can read her work at allisonmaschhoff.com.

Allison is thrilled to be using her writing skills to support women in the Church through LUTHERWOMAN. In addition to writing, she enjoys reading, listening to music, crocheting and watching sitcoms.

Lori Salsgiver is a homemaker with 2 teenagers and 2 fur babies who is an aspiring writer of experiences that have shaped her life of faith and family. She enjoys exploring the relationship between the Word and life’s daily struggles.

Lori is married to her best friend Jason, an IT Professional for a large steel mill in Western PA. She grew up in Colorado, but has been a resident of PA for 18 years. She enjoys hiking, cooking/baking, crafts, learning new skills, studying the word and Christmas.

Heather has an extensive background in leadership development, business strategy, and community engagement. She is confident that God has uniquely created each of us to do incredible things and desires to see that fruit in as many people as possible.

Heather has been married for more than 13 years to German, a bold entrepreneur who lives his faith out loud. She is mother to three wonderful children. She enjoys restoring furniture, hiking, baking, and morning devotions with her family. She currently lives in Milwaukee.

View Heather’s website at One Wild Life

Jennifer Taylor Schmidt was a classroom teacher for ten years. She’s also worked as an adjunct professor for a Lutheran university. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in Writing for Children. Jen enjoys writing fiction for middle grade readers. She also regularly writes for her own website, Real Food Real Healing. There, she writes to nourish the body, mind, and soul, while sharing her personal health story. Jen also shares her personal recipes. She has seen the nourishing, healing power of real food and wants other people to experience that as well.

Jen is married to a Lutheran pastor. They have one son. Aside from writing, Jen enjoys reading, gardening, cooking, and walking trails. She lives with her family in Bentonville, Arkansas.

Katrina has experience in worship leading, social media management and creative arts. She loves using art, especially music, to bring others closer to Christ and build relationships with one another.

Katrina is the wife of a 2nd year seminary student and currently serves as a director of worship arts in St. Louis. Outside of music, she also enjoys painting, baking and poetry.