Bible Reading

Do you ever find your mind wandering when you read? How many of you have picked up a book (think light fiction, nothing requiring a ton of brain power), read three pages, and then realized you have no idea what you just read? I do this all the time, and that’s when I’m trying to read for fun! Sometimes I just have too much on my mind to focus on the words on the page.

When I’m reading fiction, it doesn’t really matter how much I retain from each page as long as I get the gist of the plot line. But what about reading for retention or reading that requires some intentionality? What about when I’m trying to devote myself to the Word of God, when I’m
When I look back through my old Bible study journals, it gives me some feelings of guilt, and I cringe when I see the gaps in dates, some of them weeks or months long. There have been times in my life where I was very consistent with Bible reading. I would keep up the habit for several weeks, or even a few months at a time. But then something would happen to make me stop, and a habit, once broken, is hard to restart.

My problem was not busyness, or lack of time, but a lack of discipline.

Discipline is such a good thing. In order to create any new good habits, we need discipline.