Life Transitions

Fall has always been my favorite season. Maybe it’s the beautiful colors that appear in the world around us; maybe it’s the warm and comfy fashion. Maybe it’s because my birthday is this time of year. But for whatever reason, this season has always held a certain joy for me.

In a lot of ways, fall is a contradictory season. We start so many things in the fall— new school years, new seasons of television shows— and yet fall is caused by endings. F. Scott Fitzgerald said that “life starts all over again” in the fall, but really, things don’t restart until spring. This season is the beginning of an ending and the next beginning is months away. And yet it always feels like something new is stirring, doesn’t it? It truly feels like life has the chance
I’m a sucker for those cute signs one hangs in their house, like; Home Sweet Home or Home is where the heart is…but those signs, as cute as they are, are just one more thing.

In all seriousness, what does Home Sweet Home mean to you?
What do you define as home, where do you define as home?

These days those signs might be more accurately read.

Home is where all my stuff is.
Home is where I hole up after work.
Home is where I binge watch… and the like.
Lately, home is quite often on my mind. For the past 10 months, my husband and I have traveled to visit churches in order to share about God’s ministry to the Subula of Cameroon. While this time has blessed the both of us meeting so many of Christ’s faithful across the country, life on the road has meant less time at our home in Concordia, MO (and with our beloved pup Fig). These last couple of years, our time in this place building a life as newlyweds has had its ups and downs but it will still always be our first home.

As a former homeschooled kid, home has always meant a great deal to me. For so many years, my life was centered in the home, in a house I shared
I didn’t plant flowers this year.

I always plant the flowers. In the 20+ years of home ownership, I would wait until May to plant annuals in the ground. Every year. But currently we are renting, and so I am not planting in the ground. Instead I have taken to making my little porch an oasis of flower pots. And I start planting pots in March, as soon as Lowes puts them out!

I love my porch.

But this year...I just wasn't feeling it in March. And April.