
People often say to me "You must be so busy!" The truth is, I'm not busy. My life is very full, but it's intentionally not busy. In fact, my days, weeks, and months have a lot of margin — (and yours can, too.)

As we look around, it seems that living in a state of near-chaos has become the norm in our culture today. People map out their days down to the minutes. They shuffle their kids (and themselves) from place to place, filling the calendar boxes with a whole array of extracurriculars like they’re hoping for a “bingo”. A friend of mine often jokes that when she spends time with friends, the conversation quickly devolves into people giving her their “resume” — a detailed list of “all the things” they’re accomplishing. Busyness has become a societal badge of honor, and we’re all guilty
I don’t know about you, but I tend to live life to the fullest.

Or rather, I fill my life too full. It’s an auto-pilot thing for me.

If I’ve got time, I’ve got space to fill that time.

Maybe you can relate, or maybe you view busyness in a slightly different way, but would still like to let go of some of what holds you captive. I mean, keeps you busy…

I once would have told you “There is no such thing as being too busy” or that “multitasking can add