Katie Barry

I am a married to Matthew and we have four children. I currently write and lead a Bible study group geared towards moms called Moms in the Word. I have been a stay at home mom for twelve years.

Before becoming a mom I was trained as a Lutheran Early Childhood teacher at Concordia University Wisconsin. I married Matt a few weeks after graduation and we moved down to St. Louis for him to attend seminary. Throughout our seminary journey I taught pre-kindergarten and kindergarten at schools in the St. Louis area as well as near the Gulf Coast of Alabama when we were on vicarage.

Since becoming a mom I have served in other ways. I led the youth group for a few years at our first Call. I taught a Time for Two class for two year-olds and their parent/grandparents where I learned just how important having a community can be as you are raising toddlers. I have also taught Sunday School for middle schoolers and most recently for toddlers. My favorite way to serve is working with moms and reminding them they, too, are loved children of God.