Let’s Take Our Babies To Church

Church in early motherhood is…

…taking the whole pew because your kids will end up taking it over anyway. 

…snack crumbs and loud rustlings when opening the snack bag.

…crayons. Hot wheels. Books. More books. All the toys because their little bodies want to play. 

…telling your kids to whisper just for them to shout back at you, “What did you say, mama?!”

Mama, can I be honest with you? I barely hear the sermon. I mean sometimes I’m able to sing along, sometimes I’m not. If I’m being real, it’s exhausting such as: physically and mentally exhausting. I find myself questioning, “Why? Why even try?”

Yet, as soon as it comes out, another thought comes in: 

“Come to me all who are weary.”

“Let the little children come to me.”

Jesus just wants us to come to Him. 

He doesn’t mind the fighting, the crumbs, and the massive array of toys. He’s after our children’s and our own hearts. He’s meeting us, in the thick of motherhood, saying,

“I love you. Cast your cares on me.”

One day, they’ll sit and we’ll all have conversations about what we learned at church. 

But, right now, as we hurry in during the first song because we couldn’t find the “special toy” they wanted to take, with our hands full and our tempers fraying, I know that I’m still loved and I’m serving Jesus.

Today, I’m serving my family by teaching them the habit of going to church. I’m teaching them that we can come tired, messy, and wild and He, the true source of our strength, will give us rest and a peace that passes all human understanding. Today, I’m teaching them that this, this relationship with Jesus, is the most important.

It’s the only thing that matters. 

So next week, when I hear my kids being loud, fighting over their crayons and the rustle of snack time, I’ll be reminding myself that we are right where we need to be. We are in the Lord’s House. We are receiving grace, love, and a forgiveness this sinner is desperate for. Lastly, I’ll pray for Jesus to strengthen me and rest assured that His strength will carry me through. 

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