Allison Breininger

I grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the daughter of a seminary professor. I married my high school sweetheart, Sean, right out of college and years later we adopted our daughter, Maya, from Haiti.

I have a MA in Education and spent twenty years teaching, training, directing, coaching, and creating content in the realm of education. At 31, I unexpectedly became a caregiver for my husband, Sean, when he was diagnosed with the rare genetic disease Fanconi Anemia. In the eleven years since, I have been by his side through a bone marrow transplant and cancer of the tongue, throat, gums, bladder, and skin. In those years, I have experienced firsthand that caregivers are in the negative space: vital yet overlooked and unsupported.

Fueled by what I have seen, I founded the non-profit The Negative Space as a way to use my experience and skills to change the way caregivers are seen and supported. Through The Negative Space, I shine light on the realities of caregiving, provide direct services to caregivers and educate and equip those who support them with concrete tools and strategies. I co-host the In Sickness podcast, provide individual coaching to caregivers nationwide, facilitate support groups and education sessions, partner with multiple organizations to more intentionally support caregivers, and sell caregiver gift boxes.

I am grateful to be part of this community of Lutheran women.