Heather Bozarth

I am the wife of a newly ordained, second-career LCMS pastor, and mom of three (ages 9, 7, and 1). After many moves all over the country over 14 years of marriage for my husband’s engineering career and then seminary, our family recently moved to north-central Oklahoma. We hope to call our new town and congregation “home” for many years to come. I spend my days caring for my youngest and homeschooling my two older children. Homeschool is new to me as well!

I studied music in college. I really enjoyed participating in plays and musicals in my “past life” (I hope to again someday!) After marriage, I stumbled upon web and graphic design and now have more than 13 years of experience in the field. I had a freelance web and graphic design business for several years but have since put that on hold to concentrate on my other vocations.

I have had a lifelong struggle with anxiety, depression, and OCD and have found that healing is a lifelong process too. I am (slowly) learning to improve my way of thinking and to trust God in uncertainty and in every situation. I enjoy painting and drawing, reading, and watching anime with my husband in my free time. I have recently been researching more natural alternatives to medicines, hygiene and household products, and foods in hopes of improving the mental, emotional, and physical health of my whole family.

I joined LUTHERWOMAN because I feel it is important to have a relationship with my fellow sisters in Christ. We are meant to walk beside one another through the joys and trials of life. To share our knowledge and wisdom gained from experience. To “love thy neighbor.”