Book Recommendations

There are hundreds of books that have been written by and about Martin Luther, yet very little is written or known about his wife, Katharina Luther. This book gives a full view of who she was and the hard work she did. I especially appreciated how Katharina’s story continues after Martin died and all of […]

You don’t have to be a mama to care about the future of the Church. Mama Bear Apologetics is every woman’s guide to living as a Christian in an increasingly hostile world. This book equips you to give a reason for the faith that you have, whether you are teaching your own children or having a conversation with someone with whom you disagree. Using grace, truth, and humor, general editor Hillary Morgan Ferrer and the authors of this book succeed in creating a comprehensible and necessary resource for anyone who wants to invest in the next generation of Christians.

I found myself underlining a LOT in this book. Patricia is great at speaking to you like she is in the room with you, just sorting out your life. There are practical questions within each chapter to help you assess your life goals. The whole book is wrapped in the bible and very applicable. A […]

Brene´ is a great researcher and story teller. This book helps you to be bold in expressing your beliefs and values. This helps you pass these on to family members and also take risks knowing we are bearing witness so we might as well bear witness to God. Some of her books seem to overlap […]

Becky shares her experience in her process of overcoming anxiety. There are many “that’s me!” and “I needed that” moments in the book. My copy has many highlighted sections. She reminds us that our worth and help comes from Jesus. Our anxiety diagnosis or thoughts don’t define us.

This book is for those who have been hurt by God’s people but want to keep their faith in God and grown in it. I felt like the author was speaking to me, I read it in two days. Natalie does a great job of presenting of problems we may face in the Church or […]

Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts. So often we go through life not putting too much thought to the thoughts that we think. This book highlights the many ways in which our thought patterns can become toxic if we let them. What I love about this book, it would be great to go through with […]

Embracing Uncomfortable is an excellent book about facing what makes you uncomfortable in pursuit of fulfilling your purpose. Dr. Deb Gorton is a Christian and licenced clinical psychologist. In this book, she helps readers think through our purpose as Christians and how we can use a strong understanding of our own values to combat anxiety, […]

Explaining discoveries about the brain in layman’s terms, he shows how you can be mentally transformed through spiritual practices, interaction with scripture, and connections with other people. Thinking of your soul as that blend of spirit, mind and body fed by our past experiences, the nurturing of God, and God caring for us through attachment […]

This is a devotional Bible study, designed either for individual use or to be used in a group. My own mother gave it to me and I’ve gone through it twice! This book helps moms focus on what matters most, and to approach mothering and homemaking from a Gospel and Scripture-centered perspective.