Today is LUTHERWOMAN’s one-year anniversary! On September 5th, 2023, myself (Jill) and a team of 20 other women at the time, launched this website and ministry.
Today we have a team of 37 LCMS women working to further our mission of discipling women in the church.
What does Discipling mean?
Jesus asked 12 men to follow Him and called them His disciples. After his 3-year ministry and their “training”, He then asked them to go out into the world and MAKE DISCIPLES.
That means that we are all disciples, and we are to participate in God’s plan to make disciples.
We are to both help to make people into disciples, and help them on their lifelong journey as a disciple of Christ. God does the work, but uses us in the process and journey of faith in the lives of others.
At LUTHERWOMAN, we want to continually remind you that you are a disciple of Christ and that God calls you to reach out and be discipling other women in their faith journey as well.
How does discipling happen?
Discipling happens through relationships. Just like Jesus invested in His 12 disciples, we have to invest in relationships and community. This is one purpose Jesus set up the church for, so that we could be in close community with each other and help each other grow.
Wouldn’t you say that community and connection is lacking in today’s busy society? We can’t just give up. We must fight this fight with creativity and change. We need to think of ways to connect with the women in our church. We need to desire a relationship with those who may be different than us, for the sake of the Kingdom of God. God has put before us a few women in our church, and they are our responsibility. We must make this our priority…and when we have real, genuine connection…LOVE, we will then be able disciple others.
Everything we do at LUTHERWOMAN is about creatively finding ways to deepen the faith of LCMS women. In our world today, we want to think outside the box for ways to connect women in their churches, and to grow our faith.
We began LUTHERWOMAN last year with sharing our stories of God sustaining our lives through all of the things we have been through in our journeys. We intend to keep doing that because sharing our stories, with our shared Lutheran faith, helps us all grow and feel like God is working and will sustain us with what we are walking through.
But this task of “discipling women” is big. It is the biggest mission we could undertake. It is small what 37 women can do. But what about 100? Or 1,000? Or even 10,000?
We need YOU.
We need you to be doing this work. We need you to do this work every day in your church community. It is our hope that this ministry motivates you to disciple other women and invest long-term in building relationships where discipling happens.
And our ministry could use you and your ideas. Our ministry is here to equip and empower you to help in this ministry to all the women of the LCMS!
What are your ideas?
We need women to come to us and say “I have an idea of how to help fulfill this mission.” This is how LUTHERWOMAN works…we are coming behind women leaders, women writers, women teachers, women event planners, women speakers, and women with simple ideas that could help many churches.
Share with us. Contact us and set up a time to talk with us. We are a network of women working for this mission of discipling and we would love to have you join us. You tell us what God is laying on your heart and we would love to work with you to get it to the women of the LCMS.